Community Budget Requests
Council at its meeting in Bolgart on the 20
April considered the allocation of funds in the upcoming budget for requests
received from local community groups. With the funding well over subscribed some groups had to settle for smaller grants and
some projects were set aside to be considered as Shire projects in the main budget. The Yerecoin Golf Club building project will
be referred to the Community Development Officer to see if state government funding is available. Successful groups will be
advised of their funding allocation once the budget is finalised.
Clearing Permit Mogumber Reserve 8588
The CEO was authorised to apply for a clearing permit for Mogumber Reserve 8588 to allow the rodeo and other equine events
to be held at the arena without the threat of prosecution for illegal clearing. The Mogumber Outback Club who run the events at
the arena do not want to clear additional ground at this time and the permit is only to cover regrowth that may pop up in the area
that has already been allegedly illegally cleared. While there appears to be considerable community support for the rodeo’s held
at the reserve the vote in Council was a close 5/4 and further discussion is expected before the permit is obtained.
ALGA Congress in Canberra
Council at its April meeting voted to once again send 2 delegates to the Australian Local Government Association National
Congress in Canberra in June 2016. The cost of sending the delegates will be about $7,000 but to be able to gain access to
federal politicians to lobby for additional road funding for the Aglime Route and other issues was too good an opportunity to be
missed particularly in an election year. The Shire President Cr David Lovelock and Cr Jim Kelly are expected to attend.
Funding for Moore Catchment Council
Council discussed a request for funding of $10,000 from the Moore Catchment Council (MCC) but as there are 8 shires within
the MCC and only Victoria Plains and Gingin had been asked to contribute to their running cost Council resolved to decline the
request unless similar support is requested from, and provided by other Shires in the catchment.
Other Issues Discussed by Council
As the April meeting was the annual visit to Bolgart there were community members present who made presentations to or
asked questions of Council on current issues relevant to them a summary of some of these issue follows. Praise was given to
the works crew for the cleanup in the reserve near the caravan park and other areas in town. A question was asked about the
reduced hours and the manning of tip sites in Bolgart and Calingiri which is due to start from the 1
July 2016. Please see the
article in this newsletter for further details. The volunteer driving scheme where volunteers drive other residents in a shire owned
vehicle to appointments in Northam and Perth was also discussed. Regular readers of the newsletter would remember this
being advertised for expressions of interest a couple of months ago and while there were plenty of volunteer drivers put their
hand up not many people said they would use the scheme. More work will be done on this proposal including approaching
neighbouring shires to see if a joint scheme could be arranged before a final decision is made. Now that the Be Active
Coordinator position no longer exists a question was asked about whether an exercise program for older community members
could be organised for Bolgart. This request will be forwarded to the Community Development Officer to see if any funding
opportunities are available. Finally questions were asked about the availability of industrial blocks in Bolgart. Back in 2005 Lot
23 Emanuel Street at the top of the oval was rezoned industrial and Landcorp funding was sought for subdivision and servicing
of the lot however that didn’t eventuate due to the proximity of the school. This process will now be recommenced with
conditions put on what type of businesses can be set up there and the lot is being re surveyed to cut off the Playgroup building,
skate park and cricket nets. Once this process is completed development costs will be sought and a decision made on the
provision of industrial lots in Bolgart. Three submissions have been received from businesses requiring lots.
VP Open Doors Youth Project
The Shire is currently seeking Community feedback to help guide the creation of a Shire Youth Strategy. A survey which is part
of the VP Open Doors Youth Project is currently available for young people aged between 12 - 25 to complete, and for all other
interested parties a Stakeholder survey is also available.
For further information on the project and to access the survey link, please visit pick up a hard copy of the survey from the Shire
administration or call Jaime Hawkins on 9628 7004.
Please take the time to participate. if you would like to see VP become a more vibrant and liveable community for youth and
ultimately for all.
This project is supported by the Department of Local Government and Communities