Shire and Community Events

The Shire and Victoria Plains Community Organisations often host local events such as Australia Day, ANZAC Day service and lunch, Seniors Week Lunch, Thank a Volunteer Events, Christmas Tree events and school holiday events. Please check the Shire Events Calendar to see what is upcoming.

If you are planning on hosting an event for the community or an event that is outside of your organisations normal activities, please use the link below to submit an application for an event to the Shire.

Please also have a read of the public documents below to familiarise yourself with other guidelines regarding public events.

Events Photo Gallery

ANZAC Day Centenary 2015

Victoria Plains commemorated the 100th anniversary of the Gallipoli landings in spectacular style, with a mid morning service which included the 10th Light Horse, a Catafalque Party and a fly pass (both provided by the RAAF), followed by lunch and a special display of local school children’s artwork and ANZAC writings at the Calingiri Hall. The service was attended by approximately 300 past and present residents and visitors.

View photo's.

These photographs are courtesy of Jacob Law and are not to be reproduced without permission.

Australia Day Celebration 2022 !