
The documentation, maintenance and review of the Shire’s collection of policies is one of the roles of Council, outlined in section 2.7 of the Local Government Act 1995. As a fundamental element of corporate governance, local government policies are developed to provide guidance and direction on Shire activities. Regular reviews over a five year cycle ensure that local government policies remain relevant and applicable. Council’s role is to govern corporate decision-making and determine the strategic development of policies, while the CEO and their administration is responsible for the implementation of such policies. Please note that Council’s policies do not include the executive policies. These are policies implemented by the CEO regarding the management of staff or that provide further guidance and direction to staff on how a Council policy is undertaken.

Shire of Victoria Plains - Safety Handbook

Council Policy Manual Part 1 - Governance

Policy Part 1

Council Policy Manual Part 1A - Code of Conduct EMs CMs Candidates

Policy 1.1

Policy 1.1A

Policy 1.1B

Complaint Form

Council Policy Manual Part 2 - Administration

Policy Part 2 - Administration

Council Policy Manual Part 3 - Financial Management

Policy Part 3 - Financial Management

Council Policy Manual Part 4 - Order Public Safety

There is currently no Policy for this section 

Council Policy Manual Part 5 - Fire Control

There is currently no Policy for this section

Council Policy Manual Part 6 - Environmental Health and Food

There is currently no Policy for this section

Council Policy Manual Part 7 - Community Services

Policy Part 7 - Community Services

Policy Part 7 - Volunteer Procedures 

Council Policy Manual Part 8 - Personnel

Policy Part 8 - Staff

Policy Part 8 - Personnel

Council Policy Manual Part 9 - Occupational Safety and Health

Policy Part 9 - Occupational Safety and Health 

Council Policy Manual Part 10 - Building and Development

Policy Part 10 - Building and Development

Council Policy Manual Part 11 - Public Facilities

Policy Part 11 - General

Policy Part 11 - Finance

Council Policy Manual Part 12 - Tourism

There is currently no Policy for this section

Council Policy Manual Part 13 - Works and Services

Policy Part 13 - Works and Services

Council Policy Manual Part 14 - Plant and Equipment

Policy Part 14 - Works and Plant

Policy Part 14 - Asset Management

Council Policy Manual Part 15 - Natural Resource Management

There is currently no Policy for this section

Council Policy Manual Part 16 - Unclassified (Infrastructure Management)

Policy Part 16 - Heavy Haulage (Unclassified) 

Council Policy Manual Part 17 - History


Council Policy Manual Part 18 - Administrative Arrangements

Administrative Arrangements