LCF helps small and medium-sized enterprises in Western Australia to increase their capability, capacity and competitiveness as suppliers of products, services and works to the Western Australian Government, major projects and other important markets.
The fund can be used for expenses such as:
- making improvements to internal infrastructure, plant and equipment
- training
- meeting pre-qualification requirements for supply-chain entry
- buying and upgrading essential equipment
- engaging consultants to advise on matters including occupational health and safety, marketing, finance and cybersecurity
- planning improvements to internal infrastructure, plant and equipment and training.
Rounds for this funding open regularly throughout the year.
The Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation administers this fund. For further information contact
Regional Precincts and Partnership Program
The Australian Government's $400 million regional Precincts and Partnerships Program (rPPP) is now open for applications.
The rPPP seeks to support transformative investment in regional, rural and remote Australia based on the principles of unifying regional places, growing economies and serving communities. The rPPP focuses on a partnership approach, bringing together governments and communities to deliver regional precincts that are tailored to local needs and have a shared vision for how that precinct connects to the region.
The rPPP is an always open funding opportunity supporting both precinct development proposals and the delivery of construction-ready precinct projects.
- Stream One: Precinct development and planning
- Project funding of between $500,000 to $5 million will be available for master planning, consultation, design, business cases and partnership establishment.
- Stream Two: Precinct delivery
- Project funding of $5 million to $50 million will be available to help deliver one or more elements of a precinct. It could be enabling infrastructure (roads, pathways, underground infrastructure), public infrastructure, or open spaces between elements or a particular building that activates other investment.
For further information and to discuss partnership opportunities, please contact Harriet Murphy, Economic Development and Tourism Coordinator on 0438 821 246
Wind Energy Manufacturing Co-Investment Program
WA manufacturing businesses can apply for funding and non-financial support under the Government's new $8 million Wind Energy Manufacturing Co-Investment Program to support local businesses participate in wind energy supply chains.
Priority areas include the manufacturing of wind tower foundations, anchor cages, nacelle components and assembly, transmission poles and specialised trailers (transport), as well as capacity building for replacement parts, servicing and refurbishing centres.
The co-investment program, consists of two streams:
• Market entry: capability focused with an indicative project size of between $20,000-$60,000
(requiring a co-investment contribution of up to $30,000). This stream is designed to support prequalification and accreditation processes, niche software, process improvement and alike; and
• Market growth: capacity and capability focused, including capital and/or operating expenditure.
Indicative project size is between $500,000-$1 million (requiring a co-investment contribution of up to
$500,000). This stream supports plant and equipment enhancement (up to 25 per cent of total project
cost), research and development projects designed to create a competitive advantage and associated
investment in 'market entry' projects.
Applications to the Wind Energy Manufacturing Co-Investment Program will be open until available
funding has been exhausted. Program details, eligibility criteria and the application portal can be found