Victoria Plains - a Place to Grow

The Vision for the Shire of Victoria Plains

The following vision statement was established in the Shire’s Integrated Strategic Plan and applies to the
economic development of the Victoria Plains economy.

This vision is supported by a series of elements and desired outcomes including:

Sustainable Demographics - Improving the demographic balance by attracting and retaining more
young and working age people across the Shire to reverse the decline in population.
Economic Diversity - Increase the diversity of economic industries and drivers of the region to
generate more employment opportunities.
Visitors and Investment - increase the flow of money, expenditure and investment into the Victoria
Plains economy, through greater levels of visitation and inward investment in businesses and
Greater Housing Choice - improve the choice and quality of housing options in the Victoria Plains
communities to allow key workers, families and young people to stay and build lives in the region.
Revitilised Towns and Communities - improve the quality and capacity of key community facilities,
services, assets and infrastructure in critical town and community precincts to meet the needs of
residents and visitors.

Shire of Victoria Plains Economic Development Strategy 2024-2029

Regional Development Australia Economic Status Review 2024