The Shire has successfully secured funding from the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation through their Community Water Supplies Program to redevelop the bore that is currently located on Parker Road, Calingiri into a new more suitable location. The current bore is also quite old now and nearing the end of its viable use so before it is no longer operational, the Shire will develop a new bore. This is all in line with our Shire's future water proofing and making sure our current water assets are in good working order and reliable for when needed.
The new bore will also be located on Parker Road and will have the ability for the pump to be run off of mains power and solar power making the pump much more efficient and reliable.
This project is expected to cost approximately $130,944 with DWER contributing $92,144 through grant funding towards the total project costs. This is another great project towards the Shire's future water proofing program.