The Shire has three waste facilities with one located at Bolgart, Calingiri and Mogumber. The Bolgart and Calingiri waste facilities are manned and only opened on certain days and times of the week, where the Mogumber facility is accessible by residents who have a key 24/7.
All three of the waste facilities where starting to get closer to being at full capacity for the amount of landfill that they can hold. The Shire has worked hard over the last couple of years to secure grant funding to go towards large upgrades at the facilities to move towards them being transfer stations.
We are still in the process of trying to secure more grant funding to finalise and finish off the last couple of stages of this large project with one of those being funding towards community education sessions on how to utilise transfer stations to their full capacity.
So far the Shire has received $135,000 from the State of Western Australias WasteSorted Infrastructure Grants Program and $230,795 from Department of Water and Environmental Regulation E-Waste Infrastructure program.
The WasteSorted Infrastructure programs funding went towards cocnrete bunkers/sorting bays being built at all three facilities to help assist and provide a location for the sorting of waste products.
Whilst the funding from DWER went to the costs of mobile stillages for transporting rubbish and sorting sheds were built and purchased.
Without funding programs like these, our projects wouldn't be able to be fulfilled in such timely manners or at all. This is a step towards the future becoming a more recyclable friendly environment and to work towards the State Governments proposal of being a land fill free state.